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Standing Letter Arrangement (Alphabet)

Standing Letter Arrangement (Alphabet) is a luxurious 50 cm tall floral masterpiece, elegantly crafted from a lavish mix of flowers to form an alphabet letter. It’s the perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions, adding a personalized touch to your thoughtful gesture. Make every moment memorable with this extraordinary floral arrangement.

40-50 Mix Flowers

465.00 AED


Gifting with our Standing Letter Arrangement (Alphabet), a luxurious floral masterpiece that stands tall at 50 cm. This stunning creation is artfully designed with a lavish mix of exquisite flowers, meticulously arranged to form the shape of an alphabet letter. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion, this arrangement is a true symbol of luxury and thoughtfulness. Its elegance and personalized touch make it a memorable and meaningful gift that will leave a lasting impression. Celebrate your loved ones with this extraordinary floral expression that turns moments into cherished memories.


50 cm


Mix Color

